Public relations
Fancy a special and friendly moment, outside the professional framework, to promote good business relations? Think of public relations and of all the opportunities that it offers you!
Setting up this communication strategy within your organisation means taking actions to promote a good image and encourage a favourable opinion of a company or a brand to its stakeholders. The group of internal and external targets that a public relations operation can reach is wide: consumers, customers, prospects, but also employees, salespeople, suppliers, shareholders, journalists or even politicians or public authorities.
In France, Stade de France is a key player in the sector. Since the Football World Cup in 1998, which made an impact, it has positioned itself among the best offers on the market thanks to its mythical environment, its exceptional programme, its numerous references and its expertise in the field of organisation and support.

Football, rugby, concerts: book your VIP tickets easily on the Stade de France website

VIP Passes: the most common misconceptions

What kind of promotion does a public relations event need?

Hospitality Programme: the recipe for the best VIP cocktail!

What do you know about public communication?

Public relations, Hospitality Programme and more: just what are we talking about exactly?

Why choose Stade de France for your public relations? Our customers tell you everything!

Orchestrate your public relations with an opera

The War for Talent: attract and retain IT executives thanks to your public relations!

The selection of the most unusual Hospitality Programmes

Box, VIP lounge... even SMEs are getting involved

Hospitality Programmes: a lever for your reputation

Leading your community of brand ambassadors

Public Relations: our recipe for a suc-cessful event!

ROI: How can you measure the success of your Hospitality Programme?

Public relations: what are the main criteria for choosing your Hospitality Programme?

Public Relations - an asset in your customer relations

10 tips for a successful corporate hospitality package

Fair trade in our boxes and lounges

Why choose a venue that is committed to sustainable develoment for its public relations?

Successful public relations activity

Increasing the profitability of the business

How can you increase productivity within your business?

What actions should you take to increase your company's reputation?

How to develop your professional network ?

How can you increase the turnover of your business?
Do you want to attract your prospects, retain your customers, lead your network of partners or even discuss with local players? Public relations - called PR in the industry - is an excellent lever to achieve this.
Hospitality Programmes offer you many varied options as much in the locations as in the programmes, as you can discover in our article, “Orchestrate your public relations with an opera”. PR is also adaptable to any kind of company, from SMEs to a CAC 40 company. Many of them are using it to lead their community of ambassadors or to persuade prospects. Others for recruiting profiles that are difficult to reach, that allows them to differentiate themselves from other recruiters, etc.
In addition to discovering public relations, these articles are rich in teaching because they result from the sharing of experience by Stade de France’s experts. In articles like “10 tips for succeeding in your hospitality programme” or “Public relations: our recipe for a successful event!”, you will discover many tips that will allow you to succeed in/optimise your public relations operations.
And so that this marketing strategy has no more mysteries for you, we invite you to download our white paper which will guide you, step-by-step, through putting in place a tailored public relations programme.
Concrete examples to illustrate public relations
More than new concepts or advice, our words are illustrated with many examples that reveal the advantages of a PR campaign and sometimes in an unusual way!
Some brands have not waited to use PR to achieve new experiences like a product demonstration of noise-cancelling headphones or a wide-angle camera lens during a big event. To lead its community, one soft drinks company even created the event within the event by organising a competition. The winners were invited to a football match at Stade de France… and to a FIFA tournament in a box in the company of professional E-Sport players. The match within the match! Original, don’t you think?
Lastly, in the article, “Why choose Stade de France for your public relations? Our customers tell you everything!” Marc Boissonnet, from Bureau Veritas, summarises the advantages of this communication tool: “The sharing of business cultures, the possibility of getting to know each other, to find themselves around common values and appreciating each other are such fantastic benefits that are difficult or even impossible to discover during formal meetings. Meeting at a sporting or musical event seems to be a particularly conducive and informal point of departure”. The customers are definitely our best ambassadors!
To go further in the organisation of your future PR campaign, take advice from our event team which will guide you to create a hospitality programme that is customised and tailored according to your needs, in a box or a lounge at Stade de France.