Successful public relations activity
Who to invite and when, how to create a link between the guests, planning... You are looking for solutions to answer these questions. Discover a few key points that could...
1. Bring together the members of your company who will benefit from this public relations activity to involve them in the organisation of this event and make them accountable.
2. Choose groups of homogeneous guests to facilitate exchanges: for example, bring together your contacts from the same sector or region.
3. Each guest must be welcomed and recognised: prepare a biographical outline of each guest in which you will summarise the history of the commercial relationship between the company and the guest.
4. The management of the invitations requires extremely precise reverse planning: the invitation card or email must be sent out 2 months before the event.
5. A confirmation mail and practical information should be sent to your guests no later than 2 weeks before the event.
6. Brief your salespeople so that they adopt an appropriate attitude towards the guests: a VIP box or lounge is not a place to negotiate contracts; guests must feel comfortable in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
7. The presence of several people from your company to create a link with the guests is an additional asset for making this event a success.
8. Avoid leaving your guests alone; accompanying your guests throughout the event is important for your brand image.
9. The presence of at least one director is preferable and will add considerable value to your invitation.
10. After the event, to ensure the success of your activity, your sales team should follow up with the guests to advance topics in progress or initiate new opportunities.
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