The War for Talent: attract and retain IT executives thanks to your public relations!
Digital technology, information technology… the IT sector is really booming! Specific skills are highly sought-after: you must double your efforts to seduce and then retain IT executives. How can you emerge as a winner in this war for talent? We will let you have our secret weapon: public relations!
Software publishing, artificial intelligence, data, networks: IT, or "Information Technology", represents a whole world. So many specialists, companies or professions work in the information field for businesses… and their digital transformation. Strong growth in the IT sector where it is hard to find the rare gem who understands how computer world works or who just knows how to code like nobody else... The war for talent has been declared!
The salary and working conditions are no longer sufficient to attract and retain IT executives. To seduce these types of people who are so coveted, businesses are getting their guns out for an attractive, innovative and seductive employer brand image. Exchanges away from the ordinary, where the human is in the centre, and this in a unique, original and friendly environment… and if this were your secret weapon?
IT sector: the war for talent
With our ever-more connected society, the digital sector accounts for €56.4 billion in France with a large share (28.1%) for SMACS (Social, Mobility, Analytical, Cloud and Security) businesses *. The employment market, representing 474,000 employees, is ultra-dynamic. A windfall for those who have chosen this path: some individuals have between four or five recruitment opportunities at the same time**! For companies in the IT sector… It takes four to six months to find the right person.
Firms are therefore engaging in a war for talent to find and retain IT executives. The first response: the salary. “Therefore, experienced and specialised individuals increase their salary by as much as 25% by changing employer", specifies Hays in its study***. But this is not enough! Businesses that put in place a clear strategy for talent management will emerge victorious.
Attracting talent and retaining your IT executives: it’s the same battle
With an average of 4 candidates for 10 offers**, forget displays on jobboards, the inMail on LinkedIn, CVs and covering letters… bet on originality to retain their attention: meet-ups, reversed recruitment platforms, hackathons, Hospitality Programmes…
When we know that these high-potential executives are constantly hunted with ever-more attractive packages, we can readily understand the interest of their offer:
- a promising career: a plan for training and development,
- a rewarding working environment: a fair balance between work and private life, rest rooms or (e)sports facilities, leading-edge computer equipment…
- inspiring projects: challenges, attractive assignments and freedom in the choice of technologies and software.
But is that enough to make the difference?
Your secret weapon: public relations
Beyond all these levers to recruit or retain your IT executives, what will make the difference is the desire to work with you, to give meaning to their actions. Public relations will allow you to organise striking events around your values. By getting out of the business framework, by creating shared moments, real links will be established. These so-coveted talents will feel listened to, valued and privileged.
Seducing these ultra-sought-after people, recruiting them in the best conditions and then retaining them throughout their careers, here are the sinews of war! And as you have understood, public relations are your asset.
Whether it’s for job-dating, a meeting in a box between your IT team and people in the recruitment process, an event day for your contract engineers… Our team at Stade de France will give you its advice to create a public relations programme adapted to the IT sector, according to your needs.
*Sources IDC/Syntec Numérique – 2018 figures
** Michael Page France Study on remuneration in 2020, published in September 2019
*** The Hays recruitment firm publishes the 2019 edition of its study on remuneration in France, in partnership with HelloWork