Type de contenu



Terminology used in these Byelaws:

Stade de France enclosure:

The area located within the concession’s perimeter.

This includes:

- The area located within the railings, meaning the Stadium, the slope, and the forecourt

- Car parks P1, P2, P3 and P4 South, as well as P4 North during events

- The corridor leading to the auxiliary Stadium.


Stadium / Stade de France :

Refers to the building per se.



Refers to the central flow and circulation area and the stands.


Slope :

The natural extension of the forecourt, distinguished by an inclined plane matching the Stadium’s shape.


Forecourt :

An urban square bounded by railings, and upon which the Stadium is built.



Any person entering the Stade de France enclosure.


These byelaws apply to the public inside the Stadium as well as to persons and groups authorised to occupy any premises on a temporary basis for meetings, receptions or various events.


Any person entering the Stade de France enclosure shall abide by these byelaws, as well as comply with laws and regulations in effect.



The Stade de France is open during the times on display at the entrances, excepting for specific times relating to events as indicated on the tickets.

It is prohibited to enter the Stade de France enclosure outside opening hours.

Every evening, procedures are initiated to clear the premises about fifteen minutes prior to closing time.

Certain areas in the Stadium may, in accordance with the events or functions programmed therein, be governed by specific opening times. In such an event, applicable special provisions shall be displayed at the entrance to said premises.

Admission to areas under preparation is expressly prohibited to the public.


Inside the Stadium, admission to certain areas is charged. In such an event, a ticket for admission shall be issued, sold at the applicable rate.

Random checks may be conducted within said areas, and so tickets for admission shall be shown at any time upon request.

Every spectator, whatever his or her age, must be in possession of a ticket entitling him or her to admission into the areas mentioned on said ticket.  

Any person in possession of a ticket bearing a discounted or adapted rate must be in a position to justify said discount or adaptation, failing which they shall be denied admission to the Stadium.

Areas such as conference/meeting rooms, press/media, boxes and Premium Seating, the VIP stand, and areas reserved to officials, are exclusively open to persons in possession of an admission credential (invitation, badge, etc.).

A check is conducted for admission into said areas.


The public is required to submit to all checks conducted within the Stadium enclosure.

The public is required to submit to any would-be individual searches and bag inspections ordered by Seine-Saint-Denis authorities and conducted by authorised agents or by the police.

Any person is liable to be required to walk through a metal detector device and/or to hand over any items he or she may be carrying for inspection. Any person refusing to submit to said control operations shall be denied admission into the Stadium.  


Barring prior, written, express authorisation delivered by the Consortium, no means of transport are permitted within the Stadium enclosure, excepting wheelchairs used by sick or disabled persons and which are not powered by flammable fuel.


Prams and children’s strollers must be checked at a left luggage counter.

The Stade de France Consortium declines all liability for any would-be damage caused to a third party by wheelchairs and by any means of transport that would have been authorised through prior, written, express request.


In compliance with Act No. 93-1282 dated December 6, 1993, article 1, within the Stade de France enclosure, and particularly during sports events, the following are prohibited:

  • For any person under the influence of alcohol to enter the Stade de France enclosure
  • Bringing in, by force or by fraudulent means, any alcoholic beverage as defined in article L.1 of the Code des débits de boissons et des mesures contre l'alcoolisme (French Code on Licensed Establishments and the Fight against Alcoholism)
  • Bringing in and/or consuming drugs within the Stade de France enclosure
  • Provoking hatred or violence among spectators towards the referee, a sports judge, a player, a team or any other person or group of persons
  • Bringing into the Stade de France enclosure any symbols and/or banners of a political or religious character
  • Bringing in, wearing or exhibiting within the Stade de France enclosure any insignia, signs or symbols evocative of racist or xenophobic ideology
  • Bringing in rockets or fireworks of any kind, as well as bringing in with no legitimate reason, any object likely to be used as a weapon (as defined  in article 132-75 of the French Penal Code) such as knives, scissors, Stanley knives, razors, bottles, glasses, cans, flagpoles, sticks, standards, steel balls, nuts and bolts, safety boots or footwear featuring an outside metal frame, chain belts, etc.
  • Throwing, across the stands or on to the pitch, and generally speaking inside the Stade de France enclosure, any missiles or projectiles representing a hazard to the safety of people.

Moreover, it is prohibited to bring into the Stade de France enclosure any explosive, flammable or volatile substances.



Persons carrying any of the following shall not be admitted to the Stade de France:

  • Non-folding walking sticks and umbrellas and any sharp or blunt object; however, walking sticks equipped with a tip are permitted for the aged or disabled
  • Suitcases, backpacks, shopping bags, motorcycle helmets and any large-sized luggage
  • Stands or flash units for still and movie cameras and, generally speaking, any bulky or hazardous object.


Left luggage counters are available to the public by the entrance gates, where they may check any objects and belongings burdening them, or those that are not permitted on the site.


Left luggage agents shall accept items subject to there being sufficient capacity available, and they may refuse to accept any items whose presence would not be compatible with safety concerns or with proper operation of the facility. In the event a checked item should raise suspicion, verifications may be conducted by security agents, in the presence of the person who checked said item.


Rates in effect at the left luggage counters are on display. Persons checking an item are handed a numbered voucher; in the event a voucher should be lost, the user concerned may not retrieve the checked item until the left luggage counter is closing.


Personal possessions and items that have not been retrieved by the time the Stadium closes shall be held for their owners for a 48-hour period at the left luggage counter where they were checked. After that time, they are stored for one month, prior to being destroyed or donated to a charity organisation.



Generally speaking, the public is asked to refrain from provoking, through its attitude, its dress or its words, any disruption whatsoever in the proper sequence of events or tours, and to comply with safety instructions.

The public is asked not to disparage or harm the reputation of the Stadium, nor thereby the image of France throughout the world or of sports in France.

Persons violating the above may be evicted from the Stade de France enclosure. In the event of a second offence, the Stade de France reserves the right to request a definitive ban.


Specifically, the following are prohibited:

  • Crossing the systems intended to contain the public, and, excepting in the event of an accident, to use the emergency exits
  • Crossing the fences and barricades, and disobeying posted prohibitions
  • Racing, jostling, sliding or climbing
  • Littering, and dropping papers or rubbish, and chewing gum in particular, on the floor
  • Using a slingshot, throwing miscellaneous items, climbing on the fences, arches, or seats
  • Casting or laying seeds or food to attract birds (article 120 of Departmental Health Regulations)


  • Performing, without being duly authorised, any trade, advertising or propaganda, collecting money, distributing or selling pamphlets, prints, newspapers, insignias or items of any kind
  • Disturbing others through any noisy activity, and particularly by listening to audio devices or using musical instruments, excepting during events that are subject to special permission
  • Using the areas and the facilities in any manner that does not comply with their purpose
  • Holding any event or show whatsoever without prior authorisation
  • Organising any kind of guided tour without having secured the prior agreement of the  Stade de France Consortium
  • Damaging the furniture laid out inside the Stade de France enclosure and/or removing it from its enclosure
  • Performing any kind of fireworks activity, excepting with prior authorisation.


It is prohibited to post graffiti, posters, markings or smears on the walls, railings and buildings, as well as on the trees or any work.

Any person caught in the act of wilfully damaging or deteriorating the movable goods and real-estate assets of the Stade de France (pulling out seats, breaking windows, graffiti, etc.), or threatening the safety of persons, particularly through using explosive or flammable substances, shall immediately be handed over to the police.


To ensure the preservation of the site, the following are also prohibited

  • Damaging plantations, pulling or removing plants, picking flowers, breaking or cutting foliage, injuring trees or climbing in trees
  • Penetrating tree plantations or shrubberies, or walking through them
  • Planting or maintaining plants, excepting with express authorisation delivered by the Stade de France Consortium
  • Generally speaking, performing any action likely to lead to damage.


The public is hereby advised that to ensure its safety, the Stadium is equipped with a CCTV system controlled by Judicial Police Officers during events, which may be used in the event of legal proceedings. There is provision for right of access to the images thereon for a period of 8 days, in accordance with article 10 V of the Act dated January 21, 1995, by contacting the Director of the Stade de France Consortium.

When events are not being held, the CCTV system is controlled by authorised security agents.


The use of lifts is reserved for the disabled and the motor-impaired, as well as for persons in boxes or Premium Seating.


Any games or exercises that may be hazardous to persons or that may damage the facilities, as well as any activity that may impede traffic or disturb the enjoyment of the premises are forbidden.

All card games or games of chance involving stakes are prohibited.

Within the Stade de France enclosure, it is prohibited to circulate using a skateboard, roller skates, a bicycle or any motorised conveyance with two or four wheels.

All ball games are prohibited in those same areas.


The public is required to abide by the seat numbering and to comply with the instructions they are given by Stadium staff to lead them to their assigned seating in the stands or to their assigned area.


In the public interest, the public is required to abide by any recommendations or directives they are given by the Stade de France staff for operational or safety purposes.



Group tours are conducted subject to the permanent presence of a person in charge, who is a member of the group, and who shall ensure that all group members shall comply with the provisions of these byelaws, and who shall ensure group discipline. The fact that a tour guide may be assigned to the group does in no way dispense the group from having such a person in charge.

School group tours are conducted under the responsibility of their teachers.

Security staff is empowered to expel from the site any group whose supervision does not meet standards, or in the event of a breach in discipline.


Group tours that are conducted during Stadium opening hours must not cause any disturbance to others, and groups may be split up to that end.


Group members are subject to all prohibitions resulting from these byelaws.

The Stade de France Consortium reserves the right to adapt or modify the tour circuit at its sole discretion. The tour guide may forbid access to any areas which he or she believes could be hazardous to visitors.



Inside all enclosed spaces such as restaurants, conference/seminar rooms, show spaces on level 3, press rooms, and underground car parks, the following are prohibited:

  • Smoking outside the areas assigned to that purpose (Evin Act No. 93-1282 dated December 12, 1993)
  • Bringing in animals, excepting dogs accompanying holders of a disability card as stipulated in article 174 of the French Family Code


In the arena and in the stands, it is forbidden to bring in any animals, excepting dogs accompanying holders of a disability card as stipulated in article 174 of the French Family Code.


The French Highway Code applies throughout all car parks and interior thoroughfares.

All vehicles must proceed at low speed, enabling them to come to a full stop instantly.


All car parks are under surveillance via a CCTV system.

The public is asked to leave no items in full view inside their cars.

The Stade de France Consortium declines all liability in the event of theft or damage.



For safety reasons, it is strictly prohibited to park in front of any access, entrance, exit or stairway during an event. It is also prohibited to go from one stand to another, to climb the railings or to go on to the pitch.

During an event, spectators are not permitted to leave the stands in order to reach the pitch, or vice-versa.

Accordingly, any violator shall be handed to the police.


The public is advised that during events, they are likely to be photographed or filmed (particularly as a result of TV broadcasts).



Photographing, filming and audio recordings are prohibited in the Stade de France without express authorization delivered by the Stade de France Consortium or persons duly empowered to do so by the Consortium.

Similarly, no installs or technical facilities may be photographed, filmed or recorded without such an authorization. Tolerance is granted to amateurs using neither a stand nor a flash when taking their pictures, although the Stade de France Consortium reserves the right to prohibit any and all types of photographing, filming and recordings in certain areas or during certain events which shall be specially identified as such.



The public shall refrain from any act likely to threaten the safety of staff and of third parties.

Any accident or unusual occurrence shall immediately be reported to a staff member.


In the event it should be necessary to evacuate the building, evacuation shall proceed in an orderly, disciplined manner under the supervision of safety and security personnel and of evacuation supervisors, in compliance with instructions the latter have received, and in accordance with safety regulations.


In the event of accident or faintness, it is prohibited to move the accident victim or patient, to make them drink or to administer any medicine whatsoever until emergency crews arrive at the scene.

Should there be a doctor or a nurse among the public at the scene, they shall remain with the victim or patient until emergency crews arrive. They shall provide their name and address to any Stade de France personnel present at the scene.


Any lost child shall be taken by security agents to the area devoted to this purpose on level 3. If appropriate, and in any event after the Stadium closes, the lost child shall be handed over to the care of the police station.


Lost and found items shall be handed to staff members in order to be stored in the storage facilities devoted to this purpose; they will remain available to their owners for a period of 48 hours. After that time, they are stored for one month, prior to being destroyed or donated to a charity.


In any situation that could compromise the safety of goods and persons within the Stade de France, procedures of alert may be initiated, including in particular the closing of access points and the controlling of exits.


In the event of inordinate attendance, disruptions, strikes and in any situation that could compromise the safety of goods and persons, the Stadium may be closed down in part or in whole, and entrances may be controlled by all appropriate means.
Security management shall take all measures dictated by circumstances, in particular the implementation of a search of all bags and packages at the entrance to the Stade de France.


The Stade de France Consortium shall not be held liable for any accidents caused by a violation to these byelaws.


Non-compliance with these byelaws may lead violators to be evicted from the establishment and, if appropriate, to face legal action.


A register of complaints is available to the public at the Reception Areas on level 3 (Gates D and T) where anyone may note down any observation regarding the operation of the establishment and staff behaviour.

Any information regarding these byelaws or their application may be obtained from reception personnel.


Any addition to or modification of these byelaws shall be effective upon their publication.


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