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Useful Information

Black Market Vigilance


Beware of scams when purchasing your tickets on websites that are not authorised by the organisers as you run the risk of:

  • Paying far too much for them.
  • Not receiving the tickets or receiving tickets for different seat categories than those ordered. As these sites have no certain and official source of ticket supply, they are not able to guarantee them to you.

You have no recourse. In case of difficulty, you will not necessarily be able to call on a professional ready to meet their commitments and to compensate you if applicable, even though you have already paid or incurred transport or accommodation costs.



The ticketing sites you find at the top of search engine results when you are looking for a ticket are not necessarily sites that have been authorised by the organisers. Receiving an email confirmation is not a guarantee of the validity of the purchased ticket.

Therefore, we advise you to make our official ticket office your first choice: https://www.stadefrance.com

For any other ticketing outlet, check with the organisers whether this seller has been authorised by them by consulting the organiser's official website or by contacting them by telephone.


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