Testimony - ENEDIS
Public relations is an integral part of ENEDIS' communication strategy. In fact, since its change of name in 2016, ENEDIS (ex ERDF) has had to deal with a major awareness challenge.
The use of the Stade de France hospitality programme answers several communication challenges:
► Impose the ENEDIS brand
The box is a real facilitator for influencers such as journalists, music and TV personalities, and bloggers from the digital world to whom ENEDIS wanted to explain the reasons for this name change and to succeed in imposing it. Once these targets have understood these reasons, meeting them in the box has made it possible to go further and to present the group's less well-known missions to them.
► Explain the company's role
Conscious of the difficulty of knowing who does what in the electricity sector, ENEDIS wants to explain its role to everyone and uses the box to achieve this objective. Unlike other companies, ENEDIS is a regulated company that has a monopoly on electricity, but also the largest customer portfolio in France (35 million customers), which includes... everybody: company leaders, craftsmen, students...
It is therefore important to touch the influencers, in order to explain the role of Enedis to these opinion relays, who have become essential in a communication strategy for the general public.
► Promote and develop low-key missions
While some companies invite customers to negotiate contracts at a higher level, ENEDIS takes advantage of the box to publicise missions that the general public doesn't know about.
"The general public and influencers know us as "electricity firefighters". It's a fact and we take advantage of this strength of our image to develop another facet of our missions."
Indeed, today, ENEDIS is also a high technology and innovation company, which doesn't just offer the Linky communicative meter, but also the possibility of remotely controlling electricity via about thirty control towers, or even expertise on data.
"We also connect all the wind turbines in French, electric vehicle terminals and so on, and this is still unknown. We still have trouble telling this story because it is not yet in the imagination of the French. We must explain this, show these missions and the box helps us to do that".
Having a box at Stade de France means being able to invite your customers "home".
"Designing" your box in the company's colours is one of the advantages of a private box at Stade de France. For ENEDIS, this has been a real plus in terms of its awareness and image challenges.
An enormous touchscreen is, for example, connected directly to the apps and the website. "At any moment, it is possible for us to demonstrate the deployment of the Linky meter in the region of an elected official who comes to the box, to show videos... A meter is installed on site; it becomes a real little showroom. This is an opportunity to show them, for example, the meter they have heard about and to be able to discuss it with them."
Today, Robin Devogeleare has no hesitation in regularly mixing the profiles of his guests. Thus, he tries to bring together people from the public and private sector. Initially, even if people have, theoretically, little in common, the "go-between" finally allows to each of the guests to be valued and opinions to be compared.
The process to manage the invitations is well established: a committee has been set up to manage the box with a list of guests established well in advance. "Knowing the programme in advance allows us to properly manage the filling of our box, we have virtually finalised our list of guests for the concert that takes place in 6 months' time!"
No-shows are very rare and if this is the case, the Ile de France team has provided a list of contacts that it can invite at any time.
The quality programme proposed at Stade de France is a real asset that both meets internal needs and offers the possibility of addressing all external targets. For example, major national sporting events such as the final of the Top 14 or the French Cup final make it possible to reach the regional teams.
The other strong point is the symbolism conveyed by Stade de France. It is an emblematic place which is a pleasure to visit and which remains a place for sharing privileged moments with customers.The aura of Stade de France is an undeniable conveyor of dreams.
"When you go to Stade de France, you aren't going to a place like the others... Because of my profession, I often go there and I always have the same emotion. It's a strong one. It remains a magical place."
Without being ostentatious, the box product fulfils its role: to be able to attend a high quality event in very special conditions, while benefiting from top-of-the-range services.
The strength of the product resides in the configuration of the box itself, which includes a closed space and direct access to private stands. An interesting concept for Robin Devogelaere, where he can freely discuss things with his customers. "We respond to the customer's needs by offering him a flagship event, but the goal is to talk to him, to understand his needs, and having this space allows us to meet up and discuss at any time."
In the case of ENEDIS, the return on investment is measured by its ability to reach the desired groups of people, who themselves will have a prescriptive role with the general public. While it is difficult to quantify the programme, Robin Devogelaere is convinced that the more satisfied the guests are, the more positively this will impact on the image of ENEDIS. They will remember the good time they have had in the box and it is therefore a real benefit for the company.
Succeeding in its hospitality programme means meeting the company's challenges and achieving the objectives that it has set beforehand. These are often financial but not solely. So, when it comes to developing its reputation, it is important to set goals and a measurement system. It will be all the easier to prove the success of the action carried out.
See also our article "Successful public Relations activity".