Because a great story is never written alone,
the Stade de France surrounds itself with trusted partners.
The Stade de France's partnership policy is based on a desire to involve its partners in the heart of the spectator experience. In this way, the Stade de France becomes a place where brands can express themselves through images, messages and showcasing of their products or services. Being a partner of the Stade de France means being able to make a lasting contribution to the history of this legendary venue, and above all to play a part in the lives of spectators before, during and after the event.
>> WURTH : official supplier
Würth France is a multi-specialist company which provides fastening products, tools, workshop consumables and services to professionals. Whether you need screws, rawlplugs, technical chemical products, door furniture, hardware for construction, tools, machines, automotive parts, storage or stock management systems, Würth has the solutions. 3,800 employees offer 30,000 product references to its 250,0000 customers, supported by 4 sales channels (2,750 sales representatives, 118 Proxi shops, a customer relations department and an online shop available 7 days a week).
For more information, visit https://www.wurth.fr
Le Parisien, the No. 1 newspaper in the Paris region, is proud to be the media partner of France's largest stadium, a legendary venue that makes news every day with a rich programme of sporting and cultural events. A local newspaper, Le Parisien has ten departmental editions with editorial offices based in the heart of the Île-de-France and Oise departments. Seven days a week, Le Parisien offers the people of the Paris region quality news and information, while remaining the daily newspaper for everyone, with the aim of informing, entertaining and providing a service. Through its editorial line, Le Parisien supports its readers and helps them understand all the cultural and sporting news through dedicated pages with recurring features. You can find all the latest sports news in the "Sports" pages and all the latest music news in the "Leisure and Entertainment" pages. For news 7 days a week: www.leparisien.fr
Le Parisien Press contact
Marie-Caroline Durand
01 40 10 33 83
L’Équipe is the leading sports news group in France, which brings together 32 million fans every month*. I read L’Équipe, I consult L’Équipe, I watch L’Équipe. Through its various media outlets, L’Équipe pursues its main goal which is to constantly satisfy all sports fans. The L’Équipe newspaper, the leading sports news paper in France, offers a unique, high-quality approach to sporting news. The L’Équipe channel, the number 1 free sport channel in France, allows live and complete enjoyment of sporting events such as the Biathlon World Championships, the Tour d'Italia, the World Rally Championship and many other events for judo, rugby, volleyball, football, motorcycling etc. Finally, the L’Équipe website and the L’Équipe app allow you to be connected to sports news 24 hours a day and to have access to a fun and offbeat perspective via Snapchat Discover. L’Équipe means a hundred sports followed, more than 10,000 days of reporting, and more than 100 trips around the world made to be present at sporting venues around the globe. For more information, visit www.lequipe.fr
The Stade de France is deeply rooted in its local area and plays an active role in its development, vitality and influence.
Throughout the year, the town of Saint-Denis organises a wide range of initiatives for the residents of Saint-Denis. As part of the "The Stade in the town, the town in the Stade" partnership, the Stade is partnering with Saint-Denis Town Hall to organise the "Festival de Saint-Denis" as well as the "Voie Royale" race, a sporting event that finishes on the Stade track. For more information, visit https://www.saintdenis.fr/
Throughout the year, the town of Saint-Denis organises a wide range of initiatives for the residents of Saint-Denis. As part of the "The Stade in the town, the town in the Stade" partnership, the Stade is partnering with Saint-Denis Town Hall to organise the "Festival de Saint-Denis" as well as the "Voie Royale" race, a sporting event that finishes on the Stade track.
For more information, visit https://www.plainecommune.fr
>> A.D.A.Q
The aim of the Association for the Development and Engagement of the Stade de France Neighbourhood (A.D.A.Q.) is to put in place practical plans to integrate the Stade de France district into the city and its environment, in 3 areas: local activities to promote its events, prevention to reduce risks, and social and economic integration.
For more information, visit https://www.cotestade.fr
A Stade de France that is proactive in its dialogue with its local environment. Individuals, professionals, shop and restaurant managers: everyone living in the vicinity of the stadium plays a vital role and their voices deserve to be heard. Our aim is simple: to establish and maintain an ongoing dialogue with our local environment. This involves annual events organised at the Stade de France with the Union of Stade de France Neighbouring Associations, the Stade de France Association of Local Residents and the Sponsors of the Stade de France. Organised every summer, the Fête des Riverains (“Neighbour Festival”) is the highlight of these events.
For many years, the Stade de France Consortium has been committed to the non-profit sector, particularly in its local area.
As part of its disability awareness policy, the Consortium has been supporting Premiers de Cordée (“First in Line”) since 2014. This charity offers children in hospital, and more generally children who are ill and/or disabled, as well as their families, a day of sporting activities and discoveries outside of medical and social-care institutions: an “Escape Day”. A day to get away from it all, get active, meet new people and have fun... whatever their disability or illness. Several times a year, it organises sports activities for children in hospital as part of the "Sport in hospital" initiative, with the support of Stade employees. It also offers talks at the Stade, to raise awareness of disability issues among companies (parasports, for example).
For more information, visit https://premiersdecordee.org

Founded in 2022, Proxité helps young people from disadvantaged areas to succeed at school, choose the right career path and find long-term employment. As part of this programme, Consortium employees sponsor young people from the region, supporting them in their career development.
The aim of this association is to collect, transport, sort and send plastic bottle tops and lids to a recycler or recycling company, and to manage the money raised from the sale of these lids in order to help purchase equipment for the disabled (wheelchairs, equipment for parasports, home improvements or vehicle adaptations, etc.) and to help other charities.
For more information, visit https://www.bouchonsdamour.com/