Customer Loyalty
Driving customer loyalty is the art of keeping your customers and maintaining a lasting relationship with them. In the era of relationship marketing, driving loyalty goes beyond the traditional tools that we all have in mind (loyalty card, CRM, etc.) with other highly effective and more personalised means (social networks, Hospitality Programmes, etc.). These levers let you understand and support customers, to stay permanently in touch with them to drive their loyalty, or even to turn them into brand ambassadors, the Holy Grail.
An expert in the strategy of driving customer loyalty, especially thanks to its Hospitality offers, Stade de France provides you with a series of articles on this subject. From advice on turning it into a business advantage through to the best tools and strategies to put in place is what you will discover through reading them, with content rich in learning to make your business relationships take off through driving customer loyalty.
The different types of BtoB events for building customer loyalty
The key steps for a successful B2B event
How to organise a B2B event to build client loyalty: the keys to success
Customer experience: bring the human touch back to your commercial relationship!
Relationship programme: form a unique bond with your targets!
At these companies, a customer loyalty revolution is underway
The customer loyalty guide: definition, strengths and tools
3 tips to make customer satisfaction your strongest asset
Customer relationship management: Where are you in your relationship?
Top 5 of the best customer loyalty tools
Customer recommendations: your sales and marketing asset
Why ensure the loyalty of your customers? 3 reasons to convince you
From transactional marketing to conversational marketing for a lasting customer relationship
Why and how should you create a BtoB customer loyalty programme?
How can you ensure the loyalty of your customers? Here are 3 levers to activate
6 key steps to ensure the loyalty of your customers
Sustainable development: dynamic actions focused on the future
Bet on the loyalty of your customers
When doubt is allowed!
Articles to better understand driving customer loyalty
Companies that have opted for a satisfaction and loyalty strategy among their consumers know that winning new customers is 4 to 10 times more expensive than retaining existing customers. If you are not yet convinced of the benefits of a loyalty programme, we invite you to read “Why retain your customers? 3 reasons to convince you”. You will learn that the winning approach is to build on your existing customers by developing a good relationship with them which requires listening, exchange, satisfaction, thanks, customisation, etc. To initiate this lasting relationship, several steps are necessary: the knowledge, then identity, relational and community bond and finally, the pinnacle of the relationship, the ambassador bond. For this, you must first know your customer and their needs well, support them in their purchase process and finally satisfy and value them, which are three key objectives that can be found in “How can you retain your customers? Here are 3 levers to activate”.
By pursuing all of this strategy, your customers will become your ambassadors, namely those who recommend your business and who therefore naturally become a sales force to be pampered. To summarise: save the best for this target! At Stade de France, the sales team has understood this and specific offers are reserved for this community. Ambassador customers have even been the subject of a Stade de France white paper that you can download.
Concrete examples to illustrate driving customer loyalty
Developing a relationship of trust with your community reveals a marketing strategy, but is obtained thanks to tools that constantly evolve with the different consumption modes: digital, multichannel, drive-through, responsible purchasing, etc. Stade de France has identified for you its top 5 loyalty-driving tools to be discovered immediately, as well as 3 types of original relationships to be developed: phygital, social networks and public relations which have many assets to seduce your targets. Many other examples and figures illustrate the numerous and sometimes unexpected advantages of driving customer loyalty to be discovered the Stade de France corporate blog!
One last piece of advice: driving loyalty also means meeting your customers and spending unique, friendly and exceptional moments with them to create a strong bond. People at the heart of the relationship... and for that, the Hospitality Programme offers many advantages to create these encounters. With 20 years of experience in this field, Stade de France has gathered together its best recommendations in its guide: “Succeeding in your Hospitality Programme”. So many resources at the service of your business!